December 2024
Welcome to our final newsletter of 2024. It's been another busy and positive year for Oasis and our partners. We have many events planned for 2025 and have started organising our series of Oasis Insight conferences. Look out for details as they are released, especially our flagship event in London on 30th April to 1st May which should not be missed.
Oasis wishes you, your colleagues and family, a fun and peaceful Christmas and New Year.
Navigating the Storm:
The C-Suite Guide to Mastering Exposure Management
A concise guide co-authored by a group of the world’s foremost exposure management experts convened by Oasis Loss Modelling Framework
This report provides (re)insurance leaders with strategic insights to navigate the evolving complexities of catastrophe modelling and exposure management in today’s dynamic market landscape, answering key questions about modern exposure management.
As the (re)insurance industry confronts rising climate risks, new market pressures, and increased investor scrutiny, the guide addresses critical questions shaping the future of exposure management:
- How much uncertainty should be expected in catastrophe models?
- What are the challenges of risk models in a commercial environment?
- What are the main challenges in managing climate change exposure?
- What should you do now?
Full press release and report can be found here.
Dickie on 'Voice of Insurance'Podcast
Dickie Whitaker: "Anytime anybody says to me, 'the model's got it wrong again', I know, almost always, that the person saying that doesn't understand how to use a model"
Oasis CEO, Dickie Whitaker appeared on the 'Voice of Insurance' podcast, hosted by Mark Geoghegan. Alongside Dickie was Emma Watkins from Lloyd's and underwriting veteran Rupert Atkin who all discuss the topic 'Do you know how models work?'
This insightful discussion covered many topics around the functions of cat modelling and exposure management in the insurance industry and questions whether we, as an industry, know as much as we think we do.
Full details and download can be found here.
Oasis Insight Conference - London
In collaboration with the Lloyd's Market Association
30th April - 1st May
Glazier's Hall, London, SE1 9DD
Oasis Members*: £850
Non-Members: £950
Registration will open on 27th January *Members refer to fully paid-up members, not 'associate members'.
We offer the following group discount:
- 15+ Delegates = 25% discount
- 10+ Delegates = 20% discount
- 5+ Delegates = 10% discount
- 3+ Delegates = 5% discount
As mentioned in our October newsletter, we have started working with a steering committee of market leaders to develop the agenda and for the third year in succession, we are collaborating with the Lloyd's Market Association (LMA).
Another packed agenda should include topics such as:
- The understanding and application of cat models in the insurance industry from an underwriters perspective.
- Looking at how exposure, hazard and vulnerability may look in the future.
- Update on the latest models and offerings in Oasis such as a global exposure model, scenario and deterministic models, open vulnerability functions and a comparison of financial modelling in the market.
- Latest approaches to modelling earthquake and the affect of clustering.
- Latest academic research around the risk of Severe Convective Storm (SCS).
- Modelling vs pricing for European Windstorm (EUWS).
- Much more to come.......
With previous testimonials from attendees stating this is "the best cat modelling conference of the year" make sure you get the dates in your diary.
Plenty of networking opportunities and to meet our modelling partners below.
Oasis Insight Conference - ZURICH
In collaboration with Swiss Re
19th June 2025
Venue: TBC
Oasis is pleased to announce that they are partnering with SCOR and co-hosting a one day conference in Paris. Details are still TBD but focus will be on the in/reinsurance market in Paris with speakers from the leading companies in the cat space.
This event will be FREE to attend and registration will open shortly.
Oasis Insight Conference - PARIS
In collaboration with SCOR
24th September 2025
Venue: TBC
This event will be FREE to attend
Please send us any thoughts, feedback, comments and questions via email.
ARA | AXA | CatRisk Solutions | Columbia University | COMBUS | Concinnity Risks | CoreLogic | ERN | Fathom | Gallagher Re | GEM | Guy Carpenter | Howdens | Image Cat | Impact Forecasting | JBA Risk Management | KatRisk LLC | Nasdaq | NTU | PIK | Renew Risk | Risk Frontiers | RMSI |Swiss Re | UCL | Xceedance