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Understanding Climate Risks - What does it mean for San Salvador?

Understanding Climate Risks - What does it mean for San Salvador?

The need for climate adaptation and risk management is most pressing in low-income countries. Climate risk modelling and analysis can provide decision-makers with the information they need to turn policies into action.

A new publication by the InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) in cooperation with IDF and ETH Zürich illustrates the importance of climate risk analysis as essential instrument of comprehensive climate risk management on the basis of results of a San Salvador case study. Including insurance in the analysis further shows the relevance of insurance and the incentives insurance can set for complementary adaptation measures. For the case study of San Salvador, answers to the most urgent questions regarding climate risks are being provided, including insurance as part of a comprehensive climate risk management approach.

A joint side event with UNU-EHS, IDF and ETH Zürich presenting this topic in more detail will be hosted at the EU Pavilion (11 December 2019, 10:30-12:00) of the COP25 in Madrid, entitled “Decision for Action – Perspectives on implementing evidence-based climate finance”.
